OTE - Oregon Travel Experience

R.V. Short Fir

Posted on: October 31st, 2014 in Heritage Tree Details |

R.V. Short Fir
(Pseudotsuga menziesii)
This Douglas fir stands on the Donation Land Claim of Robert Valentine Short, a prominent land surveyor in the mid 1800’s.  R.V. Short arrived in Oregon in 1847, when he was hired on a wagon train in the command of General Joel Palmer.  R.V. opened up a tailor shop in Oregon City, but switched to surveying as his skills were soon in demand. He was hired to …

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Ellmaker Grove

Posted on: October 31st, 2014 in Heritage Tree Details |

Ellmaker Grove

Ellmaker Oak

The trees that make up the Ellmaker Grove include the 300-400 year old Ellmaker Oak and numerous large big leaf maples that were planted by the Ellmmaker family, a large incense cedar that sheltered the family’s cattle at night and during foul weather.  The first owners of the land and hence the trees were the Zumwalt family, who obtained a Donation Land Claim for the property around 1852.  …

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The 2015 Oregon heritage tree award

Posted on: October 30th, 2014 in News & Press |

OTE announces the Maynard C. Drawson Memorial Award

Oregon Travel Experience (OTE) and the Oregon Heritage Tree Program have established a new statewide award in Maynard “The Tree Man” Drawson’s name.
Maynard Charles Drawson (1925 – 2012) is considered the founder of Oregon’s official statewide heritage tree program. Founded in 1995 the program is administered by OTE, and was adopted by the agency’s governing Council.
The annual award will honor individuals (or groups) …

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A lost tree gives new life

Posted on: July 23rd, 2014 in News & Press |

Image of Doug Grafe and newly elected Chair of the Oregon Heritage Committee Roger Brandt, unload milled lumber from the Barlow Tollgate Maple

Barlow Tollgate Road Maple Heritage Tree lives on

At its recent July meeting, OTE’s Oregon Heritage Tree Program Committee members participated in several special actions.
Committee member Doug Grafe, Fire Protection Deputy Chief with the Oregon Department of Forestry, unveiled a labor of love: a memorial tribute bench made from the gnarly wood of a former heritage tree.
In 2011 a pair of Oregon Heritage Trees gracing US Hwy 26 suffered a major …

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OTE 2014 -2019 Strategic Plan

Posted on: June 23rd, 2014 in Meetings & Reports |

Plan will guide agency through its goals and work plans

Our agency’s five year plan is presented for your review.
The following is a condensed version of the entire plan document but may still take a minute to download on your browser: 14strategic plan_condensed
Some graphics may not be clear due to file compression if you print this document. If you would prefer a print copy at full resolution, please check with your supervisor …

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The roots of history branch out

Posted on: June 11th, 2014 in News & Press |

Help celebrate the Aurora Colony Black Walnut Heritage Tree dedication

On Sunday, June 22, 2014, at 2:30 p.m., the third tree in the Class of 2014 Oregon Heritage Trees series will be honored with a ceremony in historic Aurora, Oregon.
The historic Christian Zimmerman House (located at 21514 Liberty St NE) and its current owner Brian Asher, will play host to the ceremony. The honoree, the Aurora Colony Black Walnut Heritage Tree, …

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A tree on the map of history

Posted on: May 1st, 2014 in News & Press |

On Friday, May 9, 2014, at 1:00 p.m., the Oregon State Heritage Tree Program will honor one of the City of Wilsonville’s most prominent landmarks when it inducts the Robert Valentine (R.V.) Short Heritage Fir Tree into the official state roster of heritage trees. The towering Douglas fir stands on the remnants of R.V. Short’s original donation land claim at Merryfield Park in Wilsonville.
Oregon Travel Experience (OTE), the Oregon Heritage …

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Oregon Travel Information Council telephonic meeting

Posted on: December 12th, 2013 in News & Press |

On Monday, December 16th, OTE’s governing Council will hold a special telephonic meeting. The meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. and a brief agenda (as follows) addressed:
NEW BUSINESS A) Approval of October 17, 2013 Minutes
B) Rest Area Discussion
For complete meeting information, including handouts or electronic materials, contact OTE’s Executive Assistant Jenn Smith. You may contact Jenn by email or by telephoning 503-373-0155.
The next regular quarterly meeting will be …

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Oregon Travel Information Council Meeting reminder

Posted on: October 16th, 2013 in News & Press |

Oregon Travel Experience’s governing council will meet tomorrow,  Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 11:00 am.  The meeting will take place at OTE’s Salem offices, located at 1500 Liberty St. SE, Suite 150, Salem, OR.  The public is encouraged to attend, as well as other interested persons. The upcoming quarterly meeting involves a work session to support the agency’s strategic planning workshop to be held on November 18, 2013.
Highlights of tomorrow’s …

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The real story behind rest area panhandling

Posted on: October 2nd, 2013 in Rest Areas |

Why do we see “phony sign” posters in the travel information kiosks?
As a traveler who has stopped at many rest areas in your lifetime, you may have witnessed the following: individuals standing with scrawled messages on cardboard signs in front of public restrooms or near the parking lot. The signs can be quite heart-wrenching, stating anything from “Homeless with Children” to “Veteran, anything helps, God bless.”
At first glance, many of …

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