OTE - Oregon Travel Experience

Valley of the Giants

Posted on: September 24th, 2011 in Heritage Tree Details |

The Valley of the Giants is a 51 acre parcel of land containing a stand of old-growth Douglas-fir and hemlock trees many of which are more than 20 feet in circumference and nearly 200 feet tall. Some of the largest trees are between 400 and 450 years old. The largest, blown down in a windstorm in 1981, was more than 35 feet in circumference and over 600 years old.
Because of …

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Student Planters’ Grove

Posted on: September 24th, 2011 in Heritage Tree Details |

Pseudotsuga menziesii
Between 1949 and 1973, an army of volunteers helped plant an estimated 72 million trees to reforest the Tillamook Burn — one of the largest forest replanting efforts in history. Here, in the area of Cedar Creek Flat, the new forest was planted entirely by school children from Tillamook, Forest Grove and Portland. Students arrived by the busload and were met by foresters who provided Douglas-fir seedlings, tools, and …

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State Fairgrounds Oak Grove

Posted on: September 24th, 2011 in Heritage Tree Details |

Quercus garryana
Dating back for six to ten thousand years before the arrival of Euro-American settlers, Kalapuya Indians lived in the Willamette Valley and relied upon on the valley’s oak groves as source of acorns and other food resources such as camas. The practice of following seasonal rounds to gather food and plant materials led the native people to recurrent camp grounds, one of which is believed to be the oak …

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Star Trees of Willamette University

Posted on: September 24th, 2011 in Heritage Tree Audio Tours, Heritage Tree Details |

Star Trees

Sequoiadendron giganteum
Presented by the class of 1942 to Willamette University on its 100th anniversary, these five giant Sequoias include the tallest of its kind on any college or university campus in the country.
Founded by Jason Lee in 1842, Willamette University is recognized as the oldest university in the west. Since 1997, the campus annually decorates the five trees with Holiday lights from mid-December to January. The tree-lighting ceremony includes music …

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Sitka Spruce at Klootchy Creek

Posted on: September 24th, 2011 in Heritage Tree Audio Tours, Heritage Tree Details |

Picea sitchensis
This is the first tree to be designated an official Oregon Heritage Tree and was once the biggest tree in Oregon and the National Co-Champion Sitka Spruce. It germinated from a seed onthe forest floor around the time of the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 and grew to its mature height about the time Christopher Columbus sailed to the new world. A legacy of the primeval coastal …

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Signature Oak

Posted on: September 24th, 2011 in Heritage Tree Details |

Quercus garryana
The Signature Oak at The Oregon Garden is the oldest and largest tree in a grove of Oregon white oaks that predates settlement of the Willamette Valley by European immigrants and their descendents. The latest native inhabitants of the region were the Santiam group of the Kalapuyan tribe. Native people in the region depended on oak groves as a source of acorns, camas and deer, important staples in their …

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Shagbark Hickory

Posted on: September 24th, 2011 in Heritage Tree Details |

Carya ovata
This tree sits on property settled in 1868 by W.S. Frazier, the founder of Milton, Oregon. The Frazier family carried hickory nuts along the Oregon Trail from their home in Texas. The nuts were planted shortly after their arrival and one grew to be a magnificent tree that is stunning for beauty and unusual bark. The Frazier property was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1986 …

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Riding Whip Tree

Posted on: September 24th, 2011 in Heritage Tree Details |

Populus trichocarpa
The Riding Whip Tree, as it became known, grew from a black cottonwood riding switch that was stuck in the ground by fifteen-year-old Florinda Geer in 1854 after returning from a horse ride with her uncle. The stripling took root and today stands as a massive monument to the early settlers of the Waldo Hills. In 1936, the Daughters of the American Revolution memorialized this tree with a bronze …

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Provisional Government Park Cottonwood

Posted on: September 24th, 2011 in Heritage Tree Details |

Populus trichocarpa
This black cottonwood is prominent in photographs taken in 1900 and 1901 to document where the vote for a Provisional Government in Oregon took place. Francis X. Matthieu, the last living participant of the 1843 vote, is shown setting the location of this site in 1900 and unveiling the monument here in the ceremony of 1901.
The area around the monument is believed to be the first land purchased by …

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Pow-Wow Tree

Posted on: September 24th, 2011 in Heritage Tree Details |

Acer macrophyllum
This bigleaf maple is believed to have been a meeting place for local Native Americans since time immemorial, leading to its traditional name.
The Pow-Wow Tree has been the site of many notable events, including the first Clackamas County Fair in 1860, the first Oregon State Fair in 1861, and the Gladstone Pow-Wow Festival in 1937. The tree was dedicated as a Bicentennial Tree in 1979 and has become the …

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