OTE - Oregon Travel Experience

Rest Areas


Oregon Travel Information Council manages rest areas at the following locations:

I-5 Rest Area Locations:

I-84 Rest Area Locations:

Highway 97 Locations:

Other Locations:

Rest Area Closure

TIC wants to let people know we are working on making our rest areas safer and more accessible to the traveling public, but this work will require the rest area to be closed for a while.

Sunset Springs Rest Area

Sunset Rest Area will be closed for a paving project and ADA Upgrades

September 3, 2024, to October 3, 2024.

During this period, crews will be undertaking the following …

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Rest Area Profile: French Prairie Rest Area, milepost 281

Location: French Prairie is one of Oregon’s largest rest areas and encompasses over 40 acres on each side of Interstate 5. Located a very short distance from Portland at milepost 281, the rest stop is near major tourism and visitor attractions, including Woodburn Company Stores and the National Historic Districts of Aurora and Champoeg. ( See the map at the bottom of this history page for driving directions.)
Amenities: Travel information center including …

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The real story behind rest area panhandling

Why do we see “phony sign” posters in the travel information kiosks?
As a traveler who has stopped at many rest areas in your lifetime, you may have witnessed the following: individuals standing with scrawled messages on cardboard signs in front of public restrooms or near the parking lot. The signs can be quite heart-wrenching, stating anything from “Homeless with Children” to “Veteran, anything helps, God bless.”
At first glance, many of …

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