OTE - Oregon Travel Experience

West Yaquina Sitka Spruce

Posted on: April 24th, 2023 in Heritage Tree Details |

Picea sitchensis

This Sitka spruce, spared by early loggers, stood over Water Street in the township of West Yaquina, now a ghost town. The community was platted in the 1800s after the Oregon Pacific Railroad terminated across the bay in Yaquina City. With a railroad and seaport, Yaquina Bay competed with Portland for San Francisco’s shipping commerce. This tree witnessed the boom and bust of Oregon’s early shipping industry.

Tree Facts

  • Height: 158′
  • Circumference: 22.4′
  • Crown Spread: 90′
  • Approx. Age: 200 years
  • Dedicated: April 2023

Learn More: Visit Oregon Encyclopedia

Visit This Tree

The West Yaquina Sitka spruce can be accessed at the end of SE 40th/ Harborton Road in Newport, Oregon by hiking 2.4 miles past the locked gate or arranging a private tour by contacting staff through the website: www.yakonaoregon.org/contact. Private tours are free and part of the Preserve’s mission.