OTE Heritage Program Online Brochure
Posted on: April 23rd, 2015 in News & Press, Newsletter |
OTE Heritage Program maps in digital format
The OTE Oregon Heritage Tree and Historical Marker Map Brochure remains one of our most popular and widely used publications. However, if you don’t want to clutter up your auto’s glovebox with another map, you now have an opportunity to view it digitally in a handy book-style format.
The brochure lists all of the latest Heritage Tree and Historical Marker sites across Oregon. Each section of the brochure includes maps by region; for example, Southern Oregon, Eastern Oregon and the North Coast. Our map brochures make a perfect companion for a day trip or weekend with the family, and for planning fun educational activities with students of all ages.
OTE also offers this publication in print copies, so shoot us an email with “heritage brochure” in the subject line, and include your name and postal address. We’ll send you your very own copy. The copies are free, but please note that we have a limited amount, so it is first-come first serve.
Use the double-arrow icon on the right end of the digital edition’s toolbar to view the brochure mapsĀ in full-screen. You may either click a page to advance or use the back and forth arrows.